Partonomy list P3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level digestive system Short Extended
Level 2 small intestine Short Extended
Current level duodenum
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
7206 2573 tax
14926 2574 tax
superior part of duodenum
pars superior duodeni
14927 2575 tax
duodenal bulb; duodenal ampulla ; duodenal cap
bulbus duodeni ; ampulla duodenalis
15955 2576 tax
superior duodenal flexure
flexura duodeni superior
14928 2577 tax
descending part of duodenum
pars descendens duodeni
promontory of duodenum
promontorium duodeni
15956 2578 tax
inferior duodenal flexure
flexura duodeni inferior
14929 2579 tax
horizontal part of duodenum ; inferior part of duodenum ; transverse part of duodenum
pars horizontalis duodeni ; pars inferior duodeni
14930 2580 tax
ascending part of duodenum
pars ascendens duodeni
15957 2581 tax
duodenojejunal flexure ; duodenojejunal junction
flexura duodenojejunalis
268674 2582 tax
hidden part of duodenum
pars tecta duodeni
20509 2583 tax
suspensory muscle of duodenum ; suspensory ligament of duodenum
musculus suspensorius duodeni ; ligamentum suspensorium duodeni
77194 2584 tax
phrenicocoeliac part
pars phrenicocoeliaca
77195 2585 tax
coeliacoduodenal part
pars coeliacoduodenalis
15954 2586 tax
longitudinal fold of duodenum
plica longitudinalis duodeni
15074 2587 tax
greater papilla of duodenum
papilla duodeni major
15075 2588 tax
lesser papilla of duodenum
papilla duodeni minor
71622 2589 tax
duodenal glands
glandulae duodenales
18 lines
77.8 %
88.9 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The promontorium duodeni is a localized bulging along the medial wall of the middle part of the pars descendens duodeni that results in a slight widening of the duodenal lumen. It serves as an orientation point in radiology to localize the papilla duodeni major (Musil et al. 2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13).
Date: 18.08.2024